Saturday 7 August 2010

classroom management rules

*just read and leave some comment =)

The best rule that I have heard and I would believe to be my attitude towards classroom rules is that I need a classroom where learning takes place, and if we can respect each other then we don’t need any other "rules." I absolutely believe in keeping a safe environment where put-downs and name calling is not allowed–this also falls under respect. If I can have respect for my students as well as having them respecting each other, I believe this leads to a safe environment where learning can take place. I am not a stickler for gum chewing or eating and drinking as long as it does not interfere with learning and doesn’t make a mess. I would like to give my kids the freedom to eat or drink as long as they are responsible for their trash and mess. If it gets out of control, I will let them know that the privilege will be taken away, right from the beginning. I also do not mind if students wear hats in class. To me this is an ancient rule and as long as the hat does not interfere with learning, then I will let them wear them.

I may try to create a class constitution if behaviors in the class are inconsistently out of control. I really like the idea of having the students involved in making their own rules and negotiating with each other which ones to put in the constitution. If the students are involved in making the rules, I believe they will be more inclined to obey them and the consequences that will be implemented will not be fought against. I would have the students write the final constitution on a poster board and hang it in the room. I would also send the constitution home to have the parents sign it and return it to me so that I can include them in what we are trying to accomplish in the classroom.

In terms of creating a safe environment for all to learn, I want to create an environment with positive and numerous student-teacher relationships. Especially in diverse classrooms where many students are from different backgrounds, I want to create an environment where students are not and do not feel that they are being treated unfairly. I do not want to label students or assume their academic ability on the way they look or act. I do not want the diverse settings to lead to situations where communication is not happening. I feel this is where behavior problems may arise. I want to create an environment where "teachers accept them [students] as individuals with unique and cultural difference; to respect, relate and like them; to listen and communicate openly; and the understand and honor their family, culture, language, and race." (Sheets and Gay, 1996) I believe to succeed in having a classroom like this it is necessary to have great interpersonal skills even more than classroom management skills. I want to create an environment where I can weave the curriculum into m students’ different lives and experiences. I want them to be able to share these experiences and relate them to the material we are working with. This is a major plus of a diverse classroom. Where we can celebrate differences and learn from each other.

I would also like to implement some class meetings where we can discuss what is working and not working with the class. I would like these to be like an open forum where ideas and suggestions can be discussed and hopefully implemented. I am very interested in learning what the students are thinking about and making the learning environment as much to their liking as possible. I think this dialogue is crucial in creating an environment where the students feel autonomous and in control of their learning.

I would also use class meetings to discuss whole-school rules. I would hope that the school in general takes some time during the year to discuss policies with the students to get student feedback. In my high school this year, there was class time assigned to discussing the issue of homework. The administration is taking the feedback of the students to decide how to solve the issue of students having too much homework. I believe that it is imperative to adhere to whole-school rules in order to have an effective policy in the school. I will try my best to follow the whole-school rules where they make sense for the safety of the students or for order in the school. If I do not agree with the school rules, I will be talking to administration to see if there may be alternative possibilities.

In addition to making a class constitution, I would like to send out a monthly newsletter or post one on the web so parents can see what is going on in the classroom. I believe if parents are involved in their child’s school, the child will have more support at home and the parent can help with any issues that arise. I believe in involving the parents as much as possible.

If there is a consistent misbehavior problem, I will initially ask the student to talk to me after class. I will talk to him/her about the positive things they are doing in class and how I appreciate something they are doing, as in participating in class for example. I will tell them why their behavior is interfering in the class and have them meet with me later to make a plan of how they will be able to stop the behavior. In class, I will give them a warning and then ask them to move to the back of the room to work by themselves. I always want to keep consequences in line with the misbehavior. If the misbehavior continues, I will talk to the student and make a phone call home. I might also ask the parent to come into school for a meeting with the student. I think it is very important to involve the parents. I do not believe in throwing a student out of the room unless they are being harmful to others or me in the class–either physically or verbally. I believe that misbehavior should be addressed with the teacher and student communicating as much as possible. I feel that sending students to the "office" is overused.


Friday 4 June 2010

we are 1....

fuh...!!! tepat kol 0246..5-jun-2010....
aku lom tdo, bukak2 brg lmk jmpa gmbr tok...

haha,tym muda2 giler,
sukati mkorg jak nk plh pa tym ya,
mendirikan sebuah menara yg kinek pun xtauk cne tuju kayu ya..ntah ditelan ombak li..

nk nganok gk,aku xtau fakta tok bena x,tp dr pndangn ku, dent ya..tgk lok, dr dolok sama jak prange ny duhal ow...(haha,piey boh manas gk)...betol x ko tok dent_xy...

coretan_manggos nk klaka gk tok: erm2...

Tidak ada insan suci yang tidak mempunyai masa lampau dan tidak ada insan yang berdosa yang tidak mempunyai masa depan.

manusia biasa lh xdpt lari dari berbuat pa2 masalah jak2, tp xpa... tuhan telah membuat segala ketetapan tetapi ingat, itu hanyalah ketetapan tuhan, tapi kita sendiri yang memilih ketetapan itu, bergantung sejauh mana kita berlari pun,tp tiada penghujung pun xda guna ny kan, jd matamat perlulh ada supaya kita tidak tersesat dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara atau tindakan....dalam kita bermatlamat ya jgn lh kita asyik nk nganok(kutuk) org...xsemestiny org dgn matlamatny ya xkn berjaya wlaupun org ya dolok2 ny jahat or jahil.... setiap manusia ada haluan yang telah diberikan masing2 untuk berjaya, setiap manusia lain cara ny....

Wednesday 2 June 2010

math's soldiers 2010...

tok lah kwn2 ku yg sama pengajian...huh,time dinner mkorg sem 3...
(ijan, farid, copet,mamo, sepul,dent) da gk nk xda lam gmbr (nazrin n sabri)

eh lupk,da ustaz ng mkorg skali,ustaz pauzi...mmg sempoi lh ny, sbb ya mkorg senang mun sama ng nya..haha, dgr2 ujung taun tok ny kawen, (siap ustaz mun x jmput ku...p jaoh org klantan)haha...

time tok nazrin jd ketua,kira palak mkorg la..palak tutttt,haha.
lam gmbr tok ok sikit la terutama dent,salu ny plh aksi terlampau mun bgambr,tok kira normal la gaya ny...

tok nk bkongsi kata2 coretan manggos gk:

Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi. Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa. Dalam kesempitan hidup ada kekuasaan ilmu.

dalam hidup tok byk corak n gaya idup manusia, jd kita x bole meremahkn setiap org disekeliling kita, xpeduli ka ny kaya ka,miskin ka,pndai ka, bodo ka...yg penting dlm setiap diri individu ya da tersirat meski sedikit keistimewaan dlm diriny..kita msti lh idup dlm keadaan yg sentiasa harmonis,jgn selalu memikirkn untuk keburukan org, hendaklah memikir ttg kebaikan..insyallah kita tergolong dgn org2 yg dimuliakn Allah S.W.T ...aminnnn...
(dh xda idea gk..haha)

Tuesday 1 June 2010

coretan kapal

coretan ini mengesahkan seorang pelayar belayar di sebuah lautan yang luas terbentang, kapalnya karam berlanggar batu, semakin lama semakin kapal itu tenggelam, pada saat itu yang difikirkn ny adalah pencipta ny, duduk menghadap meminta ampun dan bersembah kepada ny sehingga kapal itu karam, sejenak selepas dia melelapkan mata, dia telah berada di persisiran pantai dan bersyukur kepada tuhan yang telah menyelamatkn ia dari lemas.... - coretan manggos-

*ini sekadar coretan sahaja tak ada kena mengena yg hidup atau meninggal dunia*

Thursday 20 May 2010

welcome to my, our newer blog than evaaaa....

mulakn dengan bismillah....

mula2 skali saya yg amatur dlm membloging sgtlh bengong..tetapi amat bersyukur kerana dilahirkn di muka bumi ini... kenapa saya nk buat blog?sbb nk berkongsi dgn suma internetist bagaimana nk berinternet...urm, xda pa2 nk ckp gk sbb mud sya tersgt la ok skarang...ha3